Idioms Gallery
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Language Gallery by Sharon Hahn Darlin

Sep 20, 2008

走馬看山 scratch the surface

走 (run) 馬 (horse) 看 (see) 山 (mountain)

You are running a mile a minute. You are missing all the details. Mais le diable est dans les détails.

Often I turn the TV on and come across "breaking news", as it inevitably shows some burn
ing buildings, wreckage, something horrible straight out of a movie set. These images tend to affect me only when I have invested some time there, whether in person or in my imagination.

"A massive truck bomb destroyed much of Islamabad's most popular hotel this evening, killing at least 40 people, wounding at least 100 and leaving a crater more than 25 feet deep." -- ABC News

In my ideal world, news is preceded by a bit of orientation of the surrounding lands, especially when it happens to be one of the most beautiful places on this planet (equally appealing to lovers and terrorists) before it bombards me with claustrophobic, desensitizing images of carnage.

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